What’s luck got to do with it?

Thursday 27th June 2024, re-editing You Can See the End of the World From Here, 0 new rejections, 0 new agent queries, 0 competition entries, finished Light Perpetual by Francis Spufford, and totally absorbed by A Bookshop of One’s Own by Jane Cholmeley, 2 new book purchases (thank you Harry Baker for your fabulous performance at St Saviours)1 coffee, 2 lemon and ginger teas, and a chocolate mousse

Walking to work this morning, I spotted a two pence piece on the railway bridge. I paused; it wasn’t a penny so why pick it up? But it shone gloriously in the morning sunshine, so I collected it off the pavement and spun the copper coin in my fingers while I automatically recited ‘find a penny pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck’ (in my head!) and made my way to work.

As a querying writer, rejections can make you dwell on the concept of ‘luck’. No one in the industry denies an element of luck (and loads of hard work) is involved in securing an agent, a publishing deal and all the joy that comes with those achievements. A writer event I attended at Bloomsbury Publishing many years ago, hosted an agent who compared hitting the ‘right agent’s desk at the right time’ as similar to finding a needle in a haystack. I remember being aware of the difficult journey I faced but came away disheartened rather than encouraged. This was at least fourteen years ago and I believe the market is even more difficult to crack now. For me, the lack of agency over your own future ranks as one of the most difficult elements of the process to endure.

After reading The Source my preconceived notions about manifesting and visualising goals was overturned. I wrongly believed it meant hoping lady luck would visit and bestow you with three wishes or sprinkle you with magic dust. Prior to reading The Source I may have given that penny more credit than it deserved. In her book Dr Tara Swart describes how action boards act as daily reminders, to you and your subconscious, of the goals you are trying to achieve. It has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with priming your mind to react to opportunities as they appear in front of you.

Since rescuing the two pence piece, I received a notification from WordPress that my blog reached 10,000 views (thank you for sharing my blog so widely). Since creating my action board I have been offered the opportunity to deliver a few creative writing workshops and have organised to interview an author at our local book shop, Lucky Hare Books, this August (details to follow). Continuing with the ‘create your own opportunities’ vibe from The Source, I have also embarked on a collaborative journey with two local authors. This project remains in the embryonic stage but keep your eyes on this blog for further news very soon.

Deep down I remain a superstitious soul, so I won’t be walking past any lost pennies, or walking under any ladders, or placing news shoes on tables…I may be making my own luck but I am not taking any chances either.


2 responses to “What’s luck got to do with it?”

  1. Well this is all very exciting! I don’t believe ‘we make our own luck’ (way too many variables and influences beyond our control) but we absolutely have a say in it depending on our disposition and approach to life 🙂

    I’m a very lucky person because I really believe that I am- even if lots of things are not going my way, I still think of myself as lucky. You can’t argue with that 😆

    Congratulations on your WordPress milestone 🙌🏻 I look forward to hearing about whatever you’re plotting next 😁

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